Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Born to be wild

 Wild Wild Wild

Born to be Wild

That was the sixties,

For the first time a generation brought about a Renaissance of music,fashion,art,writers,style,and

Experiments with drugs,had money to burn, new found freedoms.Ban the bomb,make love not war,

Movies took an intellectual bent,were fun.Writers and novels became popular….The Pumpkin Eater,Clockwork Orange.

Movies reflected youth,Alices Restaurant,Easy rider..The times.

Life was fun,music was fun.

The Beatles and the Stones were popular,Bob DylonJimmy Hendrix,it was the psychedelic era of color and flower power, pop festivals and Temptations,

Post:memes,gifs music,trailers books,fashion of the wild sixties.Even criticisms.

Remember respect posters.Have fun!No politics,and no religious commemts.


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