Thursday, February 17, 2022

Red Red Red.Communication and signals

Red Red Red

When I was in a war zone…Red Red Red meant the enemy was coming.

White White White on the radio was all clear on the radio….yellow yellow yellow be prepared stay alert.

Red means danger!

We have many triggers on how to behave in certain situations.Have you ever ignored a red traffic or crossing light?If you do you may have a fine on your bank card.At 2 am have you been tempted if no traffic or people to cross the light?What does the red light tell you?What does your instict tell you?

Jaywalk?stand at the curb feeling a bit idiotic.

Does your mobile beep in the middle of the night do you respond to a message or plug the phone in to recharge the battery?

Did you social distance?if so did you use hand signals?Do you really understand these signals,or obey.What is your reaction?Happy,angry,sad,etc.,Depending on the country,nationality it may mean something very different.

5g may trigger a signal for us all to obey a hidden code or message. 

Are we losing our natural humanity and ability to communicate.Hand signals dont mean the same to the old or the young?even in different cultures?We are living in times of great disorientation,

Who is at risk the vulnerable,many elderly or hospitalised people died alone with no relative to hold them in their arms.At funerals a certain number of people were allowed to mourn.women  bore children alone.We had social bubbles.Some lost jobs,The rug was pulled from under our way of life.

Before returning to ‘normal’ after the covid situation, we must reach out to friends neighbors family  to heal.

So post memes,gifs,comments, videos,music,about red,signals,your feelings.Remember no politics or religious statements please,Respect other commenters.

In some parts of the world thumbs up is an insult,to us it means OK,ood or well done.

The touch of thumb and index finger means a Jaoanese it means zero,t can mean something realy bad in other cultures,e careful how you interpret.

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