Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Youve got me singing the Blues

Yo’ve got me singing the Blues
In times of depression Music got people through hard times.
Christmas is over,and many feel Blue.
The streets where I live are unsually quiet,not the usual hustle and bustle.Christmas lights,not so decorative and bright,and deserted streets at night.everyone in bed early,

like rabbits.

The past two years were filled with news of Covid,Lockdowns,and the resultin new rules and control.
No real music came out of it,Tick Tock was unfathomable to me and somehow not for me.

The weather has been out of season,some of the worst in years so perhaps the Blues will heal,Eric Clapton and John Lee Hooker said the Blues heals.
Perhaps the greatest Blues player of all time was Muddy Waters 1913-1983.

Eric Clapton was brought up by his grandmother Rose Clap.To break the news to Eric that his sister was really his mother,a d his father an American GI she bought Eric a guitar.Top Tooham taught Eric to play and it was Top that formed the group The Yard Birds.On the first day For Your Love hit the top of the charts Eric left the group to stay true to the Blues.Eric was a bad boy at school and Art College where he was expelled for playing his guitar.The rest is history,he sold the blues back to the States.

So lets play the Blues,and also think of a Happier New Year.

Post,memes and gifs,traikers,sad music and Hapoy music.Sing the blues and welcome the new year,
Remember no music…no politics please.Amd respect other commenters.

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