Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Shining Stars

Super Stars of Hollywood and Pop

Some really shine.Some are just good looking.

Have any stars influenced your life?

Which stars do you admire and why?

Which are really good Actors,dancers singers?

Who are your favorites?

For acting ability I rate…Tom Hanks,Antony Hopkins,Donald Pleasance,Leonardo de Caprio.

For courage vitality and for turning her life around Tina Turner,is someone that I admire.

For glamour,and style,Marilyn Monroe,but a sad life.

For old fashioned glamour and humor Mae West. One of her quips…I used to be Snow white but I drifted.

Pop and singing …The Stones/ Joel Gray / Liza Minelli in Cabaret.

 Westerns…Clint Easteood,Robert Mitchum.

Who do you admire,love,hate?Can’t stand.Recommend good movies..

Post Memes,gifs,trailers music,songs your favorites,maybe some interesting facts.

Remember respect all commenters.we are here to enjoy a place away from politics,religion,

This is a place to escape pressures.

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