Saturday, March 19, 2022

Decadent Sixties

 The Decadent Sixties

Living was good and money was easy.after the war the boomers had money to spend.

The age of Pop festivals,Pop Music,Drugs. sex and Rock and Roll.

Pop Stars vied with each other to buy beautiful Stately Homes.It was the age of the Stones and the Beatles.However there were undertones of the Black Arts.It was a world of fashion Art and Music,

Children loved Winnie the Pooh,Eyyore,Piglet,Tigger,Kanga,Roo and Christopher Robon.

The childhood home for Christopher Robin was Crotchford House.was Crotchford Manor.Crotchford Manor was bought by Brian Jones,who believed he was under a voodoo curse,and died a mysterious death in his swimming pool.Anita Pallenber an actress and model shared her dugs backstage with the Stones,and was the muse of BrianJones , Mick Jagger and Bill Wyman.It was there I see a red Door and I want to paintbit Black was written.There were undertones in the village of Crotchford,which housed a ring of Satan worshippers.AAMilne joined the ring of worshippers,and hence Winnie the Pooh is no longer read to children and fell from popularity.

Jimmiy Page bought the house in Scotland that had belonged to Aleister Crowly once classified as the most evil man in Britain,it had originally been a church that burned to the ground.Jimmy said strange things  happened in that house,History repeated and the house was gutted by fire yet again

The Beatles bought huge homes in Surrey UK.The Kinks too.

Remember this is a non political site and no rligious commentary.Please post memes gifs music trailers or videos of the sixties,fashion pop rock your favorite artists.

Respect other commenters.Most of all enjoy Lian

1.JimmPages house on Lock Ness

2.The Tones and their houses,

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